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I has a few big screaming, but i finally did it!

and like that alex is scary

the game can be scarier if raincoil adds secrets in nighttime visitor

La 7èmes vidéos de cette série d'horreur 3 pour 1 et voici les titres . - SirenHead Field --------------------------- Vous êtes à la recherche de vos parent dans un champ de blé mais quelque chose d'énorme vous surveille. - Night Time Visitor --------------------------- Vous êtes enfermez dans un bureau style avocat et une merde vous traque si vous répondez au téléphone. - Game for Anna ------------------------------ Vous jouez à cache cache dans un labyrinthe fait en carton pour enfant et la façon de sent sortir n'est pas si facile que l'on le croit.

I've found glitches to the game and made my grand escape. Also, I've tricked Alex to go another way. Alex can also call you if your near him so he can find you

I adore this game. It really is so insanely charming, i've been thinking about it for literal years.

I honestly don't know how to play this game

A nice, forgotten masterpiece. I have nostalgia playing this game again in 2022 when I used to play this game a LOT around 2018. It's good to be back and it's nice to see people playing it again. It is kinda repetitive, which is why nobody plays it now but hopefully we get a new update. For the update, I want this: If you beat Alex, there will be a cutscene of you running down the stairs to your car, driving home and Alex watching you from the windows, or the door. If not that, what if you got coins for escaping, and by escaping you can use those coins to save up and maybe buy like a silence option, or make your phone less louder and make Alex's phone louder (kinda stupid). What are your game improvement ideas?


nice creepy game cory played it

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